

I attended a literary festival today in good old Kolkata. The theme of the event was “Women in writing”. So just as you would expect, there were a loooot of feminists there. Soooo boooring(just kidding!). Very good looking feminists though. “Interesting people” is what I am trying to say(I did not speak to a single person there). Three great women spoke on the issues faced by women all over the world. Man! It was an eye opener! It is a known fact that girls are being trafficked all over India but this event gave me a better insight into what goes on in their family and what leads to them being sold off to pimps. I learned a lot about the struggles women face in their careers. Instead of concluding the event just by talking about the issues, the speakers tried to make suggestions on how to solve the problem. They explained the importance of good parenting and treating people with respect. It got me thinking…I should be knowing a lot about the struggles faced by women because I have a mother and a sister. Most importantly, I have been to school!  Yet I know more about these issues from YouTube videos! There’s something terribly wrong here. Anyway I am glad I attended this event. Makes me feel I did something worthwhile on Republic day.

While the event was going on, I got hungry. You know.. with all the information overload. So I got this:


Its called Papri chaat

This thing changed my life! That’s two life changing events in one day.