I was searching for a song on Spotify, and something caught my attention. Another Brick In The Wall by Korn. BY KORN?!!! Well, if you think about it, what other band could relate more to this song than Korn? Their songs revolve around themes of bullying of all forms. Teachers are no exception to this, and wow did they deliver(the band)! To give you a little history, I am a big fan of the song Another Brick In The Wall Pt.1. You see, the Pt.1 is important because it is purely a buildup to the original song, but at the same time is a whole different song in itself. It even has it’s own music video, which by the way is so dark, and shot so beautifully that it used to make me tear up. When I was in high school, a senior performed this song as a tribute to Pink Floyd. There was a problem, the audience was the public + our teachers, including our current and ex principal. He nervously prefaced the song by explaining that it is about “someone who built a wall around himself”. I did not like this explanation one bit. It was an exceptional tribute, but I was frowning a little.

I got locked out of my apartment today. For an hour, I sat outside and stared at people walking on the road, vehicles trying to avoid potholes, children going/coming to tuition class, and people I’ve never seen going in and out of the building.

Something I’ve realized now is that once you stop meditating, it is really difficult for me to get back into it. I cannot focus for more than a few seconds. This, coupled with an overall uptick in anxiety, coupled with a bad incident at work is not helping. So what ends up happening is endless rounds of Solitaire after work, after dinner, and in between Youtube breaks. Not good. I just paused writing and played Solitaire. Fuck.

So tonight was a night well wasted. Actually, the whole day. I haven’t moved from the couch because I deserve it. Yes, I am in mourning, still. Who cares? Women come and women go, but I go on forever, or however long my liver lasts. Until then, my life is going to be okay. I wish there was another meeting I could go to that was exclusively for dumpees. Imagine, a room full of sad, horny people. What could go wrong? Speaking of wrong, I joined a new dating app. It’s called Boo, but with a ghost on the logo. I certainly have doubts about the marketing of this app, but may I add that it is also a paid service. It’s okay, it’s only 1/6th of what I may my psychiatrist, although it does the opposite of what the psychiatrist does.