
Time is one of the most precious things in the world

Time will heal

Time IS money

blah blah blah. If it’s so important then why do we still waste it? Why do we waste time staring at the stars? Wait, what? You don’t? There’s something wrong with you dude. Get the fuck out of my blog after hitting the like button.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like to waste time (I keep telling myself that). Before I do anything I ask myself, “is this going to be productive?”. And yet I find myself wasting a lot of time doing nothing. Absolutely nothing. I am a pro at that. Sometimes I sit alone and think. When I think, time flies. I don’t understand how time can just speed up for others while it stays the same for me. What’s worse is that the damn thing slows down whenever I want it to speed up. So let me get this straight. Time speeds up whenever I do something I like and slows down whenever I do something I hate. Thanks a lot, life.

I guess its all about individual perception. One “feels” the passage of time depending on “how” one decides to spend it. There you have it. I have just given you the keys to happiness. You are welcome. And all it took was just a few YouTube videos.

Okay. What if I constantly keep doing things that I like? (strictly hypothetical). Everyday I would wake up and go back to bed with no clue about where all the time went. Hours, days, months would pass by so quickly that I would loose track of time. One fine morning I would wake up and wonder what happened to my life. That’s scary!

Enjoy these comics too!


  1. I absolutely adore this. Because I’m just the same. My inner world is so intense that I never want to get out, and it’s the most precious time for me. I love your bio, and I am a reader! 😉 I can’t reblog, but can I share it on my site?


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